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Practice News

FWD Flying the Flag

FWD has thrown their support behind Stowmarket Golf Club, with an initial sponsorship of the 18-hole course and practice area flags. FWD Accounts, have signed up as partners of the Finborough-based golf club – which has been going since 1902 – on a long-term basis. Jason Ford, Director and owner of FWD Accounts is a keen golfer…Read More

Putting our best foot FWD

Over the next 10 days, the team at FWD Accounts are aiming to walk a staggering One Million steps!  That’s 12,500 steps each, every day, until 22nd June.  And we’d love you to give us a helping push along the way by supporting our two local charities, St Nicholas Hospice and My Wish.  St Nicholas…Read More

Dan passes his ACCA exam

Dan Parkington recently qualified as a Chartered Certified Accountant. Dan joined us from university and was there at the start of FWD. He now has the letters, to back up the skills he uses day in day out to manage his own portfolio of clients.

Edward Yeatts joins the team

Ed joined us in September 2022 to study AAT under the Apprenticeship scheme at West Suffolk College. He is a qualified mechanic but quickly recognised that the logic and mathematics involved in that job can also translate to numeracy and accounting, and so we are delighted that he joins our team to further his career…Read More

New starter…

Morgan Smith has joined the team on 21 March 2022. Morgan is qualified AAT but is now going to study ACCA to further his qualifications. Morgan has good experience from his previous roles, and enjoys using technology and financial information to help clients. He has a portfolio of clients to help and manage. Welcome aboard…

COVID-19 Emergency Measures (02.11.2020)

Extension and changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme On the 31st October 2020 the Prime Minister announced an extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furlough Scheme) available to employers and will remain open until December. Previously, staff must have been employed from March 2020, however the extended scheme allows claims for staff who…Read More


Additional government support has been announced this week for businesses and employees impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19) across the UK. Job Support Scheme A new Job Support Scheme will be introduced from 1‌‌ November to protect jobs where businesses are facing lower demand over the winter months due to coronavirus. Under the scheme, which will run for…Read More


Government announces additional support for SMEs Following the announcement on 30 July of £20m to help smaller businesses in England recover from the effects of Covid, grant schemes will be used  (£1,000 – £5,000) to access specialist professional advice and to purchase minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology. The source is ERDF (EU money) and the…Read More

COVID-19 Emergency Measures (10.07.2020)

Employers Coronavirus job retention bonus The Chancellor confirmed that Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) will be flexibly and gradually wound down through to October as previously announced. Broadly, the CJRS scheme closed to new furloughed employees on 10 June 2020 with last claims for periods ending 30 June to be made by 31 July. The…Read More


Last Friday the Chancellor set out plans to extend both the Job retention scheme and Self-employment income support schemes while providing details of how these will change in the coming months. We’ve summarised these changes below and full guidance including help with calculating the reduced furlough claims will be published by HMRC on 12 June.…Read More

Covid 19 Update (7/5/20) Self Employed Income Support

This scheme is for self employed people or members of a partnership who have been affected by the COVID-19 crisis and allows you to reclaim a grant based on your average trading profits for the tax years 18-19, 17-18 and 16-17. There is an extensive list of criteria to be eligible for the grant and…Read More

COVID-19 Emergency Measures (21.04.2020)

Job Retention Scheme Extensions The COVID-19 Job Retention Scheme has been extended to the 30th June 2020 giving businesses an extra month to continue to employ employee’s who are furloughed and reclaim 80% of their wages from the government. HMRC have also revised some key dates for eligibility to the scheme, previously an employee had…Read More

COVID-19 Emergency Measures (06.04.2020)

Job Retention Scheme Updates New information has been released today confirming updates to the job retention scheme that many employers have been waiting for clarification on. We have summarised below the key points that many of our clients have asked about, however there are multiple points clarified on the HMRC website here if you have…Read More

COVID-19 Emergency Measures (27.03.2020)

The long-awaited support scheme for the self-employed has been announced last night by the UK Government, as well as updates to how the Job Retention Scheme will work. We are doing our utmost to stay abreast of recent government developments however please understand that there is a large volume of information to take in and…Read More

COVID-19 Emergency Measures (23.03.2020)

What help is there for business during this current crisis? As you will appreciate the Government has made many announcements and promises to help. Currently, there is not the details of how or where to claim.  All we can do is highlight those areas of help update you as and when more detail emerges. We…Read More

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