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7 things you can do to boost your online business right now

Since the pandemic started, internet usage has spiked. From social media usage to online shopping, the demand for online services has been at its highest. But competition is fierce. The toughest aspect of an online business is getting traffic to your website which results in conversions. With more people searching for things online, you should…Read More

FreeAgent Training

At FWD all members of our accounts team have received the highest accreditation and training in FreeAgent because not only do we love the software, but our clients do to. If you are considering making the move to FreeAgent from another accounting system, or are just starting out in keeping your own records and want…Read More

Summer Economic Statement

Summer Economic Statement 2020 SummaryIn his first response to the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak back in March, Chancellor Rishi Sunak said that the Government would do ‘whatever it takes’ to support the country through the pandemic. To date, the government’s furlough scheme has helped employers pay the wages of some 9 million employees across the UK…Read More

Working from home..

The government has introduced a temporary tax exemption and National Insurance disregard to ensure that home office equipment purchased by employees as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, will not attract tax and NICs liabilities where reimbursed by the employer. This temporary change applies for 2019/20 from 16 March 2020, and for the 2020/21 tax year. To…Read More

Innovation Grants

As the country battles through the Coronavirus pandemic, businesses have been seeking support in many ways. Thankfully, there are some businesses in a position to help the country deal with, and recover from, the impact of the pandemic. Innovate UK has recently launched a grant scheme for:  Technology and R&D businesses to develop innovations that…Read More

CGT Changes to PPR rules

There are changes in UK tax legislation that may affect you in the future. Currently when disposing of a property other than your principal private residence you pay capital gains tax at your marginal rate as part of your annual tax return. This means that you will at a minimum have 10 months to pay…Read More

Client testimonial

I rarely do this but I wanted to give Elliot some well deserved praise. He sat down with me today and explained what he needed and why and how our accounts are done and why. I nearly understood most of it as well. Keep up the good work really impressed Benjamin Sear Managing Director Martin-Redman…Read More

New starter

Oscar Doyle joined on 2 January 2019 as Payroll and VAT Assistant. Oscar previously worked for Birketts.

New staff member has joined and new staff sought

Alf Bennett joined up with us again from 1 August 2018.  We all know each other well from previous roles and Alf has good experience on cloud based software. His role will be to manage a portfolio of clients and generally help the team be responsive to the clients of the practice. In addition, we…Read More

New Office

We are moving into our new office on 9th April at 7 Forbes Business Centre, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AR Call us on 01284 245013

Another allegation of Tax Evasion

Jose Mourinho is the latest celeb to stand accused of financial impropriety. Mourinho has been issued with a tax bill of close to £2 million for unpaid taxes on image rights. The allegations are part of Football Leaks, a whistle-blower website that has shared documents with media outlets across Europe. El Mundo – the Spanish…Read More

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