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Essential books to achieve your 2025 business goals

If your New Year’s resolution is to read more but you’re busy with business tasks, why not pick up a book that aligns with your 2025 business goals? We’ve put together a list of books that can help you achieve your objectives this year. Check out our recommendations and find the perfect read to support your business growth.

If your 2025 goal is to grow your company, read The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

The Lean Startup approach, developed by Eric Ries, is revolutionising how startups and new products are developed. A startup, according to Ries, is any organisation committed to creating something new amidst uncertainty whether it’s a solo entrepreneur or a team in a large company.

Lean Startup emphasises using resources efficiently and using creativity. Inspired by lean manufacturing, it focuses on validated learning, quick experiments and unconventional strategies to speed up product development, track real progress and understand customer needs. This method helps companies pivot smoothly, making small adjustments as needed.

Instead of creating detailed business plans, Lean Startup encourages constant testing and tweaking of ideas. This scientific method of building and managing startups is especially vital in today’s innovation-driven business landscape.

If your 2025 goal is to improve your business finances, read Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

In traditional accounting, the formula is Sales – Expenses = Profit, but this doesn’t always align with human behaviour. Serial entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz suggests a different approach: Sales – Profit = Expenses.

By prioritising profit and using the leftover funds for expenses, businesses can become more profitable. This idea is like controlling portion sizes by using smaller plates.

With many case studies, practical advice and his sense of humour, Michalowicz offers a helpful guide for entrepreneurs to make their businesses more profitable.

If your 2025 goal is to retain your employees, read The Carrot Principle by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton

The Carrot Principle shows how companies can achieve great results by recognising their employees. The book highlights examples from successful organisations like DHL, Avis and Pepsi, demonstrating how employee recognition can lead to better commitment and improved results.

It explains that creating a culture of recognition isn’t just the job of the CEO or HR department—it’s built by managers at every level. Through real-world examples and practical tips, the book offers guidance for managers who want to improve their ability to recognise and motivate their teams.

If your 2025 goal is to increase your revenue, read Traction by Gino Wickman

Many entrepreneurs and business leaders face common frustrations: conflicts among team members, profit issues and inadequate growth. Decisions either take too long to make, or they aren’t implemented effectively. But there’s a straightforward and practical solution.

The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) is a proven method that has already helped over 80,000 companies achieve the success they envisioned. In this book you’ll uncover the secrets to strengthening six key components of your business. By applying these powerful yet simple techniques, you can run your company with greater focus, enjoy more growth and experience less frustration. Every day, successful businesses are using Traction to operate profitably and smoothly—and you can too.

If your 2025 goal is to improve your marketing, read Positioning by Al Ries & Jack Trout

This book tackles the challenge of reaching a sceptical audience in a world full of media. The book introduces a strategy to create a spot in potential customers’ minds by focusing on a company’s strengths and acknowledging its weaknesses, along with those of its competitors.

The authors share various case studies and analysis of major successes and failures in advertising. With updates that reflect recent trends, Positioning remains a must-read for anyone in the business world.

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